Something New, Soon. Meanwhile…

I’m working on developing a new service for all you writerly folks. My current editorial services are for novels that you’ve revised so many times words suddenly have no meaning and all those little letters on the page might as well be cookie crumbs or ants angling for cookie crumbs. (Note to self: Clean your screen, Stephen. I mean, seriously.)

The new service will be for projects that are still in their infancy. Those clever nuggets you’ve been collecting in a dozen computer folders (that have names like “new story idea” or “another new story idea” or “an even different new story idea”) as well as the Next Big Thing Surely that’s been taking on a life of its own in your grey matter. I’ll be offering a coaching/mentoring service to help you sort out all those tricky plot and character issues on the fly. I’m a good problem-solver, so I’ll bravely leap into the maelstrom and brainstorm with you to find ways to fill those plot holes with sugar and spice and everything nice. Or toothy, venomous spiders. Whichever best serves the story.

If you have a complete novel that’s ready for editing Right Now – click on over to the Editorial Services page and then email me. I’ll do my best to add your project to the ol’ schedule. But if you’re in that early stage – the one where excitement and possibility tower over the harsh reality that Writing Is Really Hard – hang in there. I’ll have the new service (it’s gonna have its own web page because I’m classy like that) up and ready Very Soon Now. Can’t wait? Email me and we’ll talk.

Meanwhile…keep writing. And be kind to one another, okay?